Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.


Aim and ambitions in life drive human beings chase their dreams, and a planned and effective implementation of their set goals can help fulfill those dreams


My name is Harpreet Kaur. I am a Postgraduate with an excellent academic background and enriching work experience. The latter encompasses both the corporate sector as well as teaching at secondary and senior secondary levels, with a B.Ed. Degree. I have the ability to apply my acquired skills and knowledge judiciously and have the experience of teaching school students and help them with their various activities. I am very much passionate about teaching and give the children the knowledge and skills they require as they grow up and help them become a responsible citizen. Whilst I have been teaching secondary school students, I have a very keen desire to nurture the children at the early stages of their life, which is a very pivotal phase as they start developing themselves and prepare to move on to the elementary school. With some basic ideas on early childhood education from my recent B.Ed. course, I aspire to develop myself with an in-depth learning on this subject area.


I belong to a respectable family residing in the north-eastern state of India, Assam. My late father was a retired government officer who served as a District Forest Officer in Assam. My mother is a housewife and I have 2 siblings. My elder sister, married to a doctor, is an English teacher by profession and has been serving a local English medium school for over 30 years. My younger brother is a corporate professional working for HP India. My husband who has served a number of corporate organizations in India, is currently working for a bank in Melbourne, AU. My late father-in-law was also an educationist who dedicated a good period of his life teaching students in one of the premier and prestigious colleges of Assam (now a deemed university) and from which I also acquired by bachelor’s degree with honors in English.


I pursued my High School education from St. Joseph’s Convent, Tezpur, Assam, India with an aggregate percentage of 69% and completed Senior Secondary education in humanities from Cotton College, Guwahati, Assam securing 73%. I had a deep love for English literature and so, I graduated with honors’ in English (Bachelor of Arts). During my study period, the 3-year B.A degree curriculum was divided into two parts, viz. Part-I comprising of the first two years and Part-II for the final year. Subsequently, I completed post-graduation in M.A. (English) from Gauhati University, Assam. During my academic tenure, besides my core studies I was an active participant in the various University competitions and activities like Inter-college debating competition, games etc. Whilst I started working in the corporate sector after completing my studies, I always felt a void in my knowledge since I had a passion for teaching, but I was not qualified enough to pursue my ambition. So, I enrolled myself into a 2-years Bachelor of Education programme from Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, whilst serving a convent school as an English teacher on temporary basis. The course upskilled me as a Secondary teacher that enabled me to teach students up to Senior Secondary level.


After completing my Masters, I started my career with one of the premier schools in Guwahati, Assam as a Senior School English teacher temporarily in place of a teacher who had gone on maternity leave. This experience gave me very good beginning to my teaching skills.

Thereafter, I joined a contact center in Guwahati as a Customer Service Representative. This experience hurled on me a new insight into the service industry and helped me learn key factors required in the Customer Service domain. I gained very good communication and soft skills, which are very important to effectively communicate with people. To further my experience in this industry, I joined ICICI bank as a Junior Officer followed by the then Indian telecom giant Reliance Communications. I enjoyed working in the corporate sector that gave me excellent professional learning. However, my passion was in teaching as I loved and enjoyed teaching more than anything else. So, I looked for opportunities in this field when in September 2015 I got a great opportunity in a reputed convent school on an Ad-Hoc basis to start with and concurrently, enrolled for Bachelor of Education degree in teaching. I taught students from 7th to 10th grade. I was also involved in the various extra-curricular activities of the school. I progressed my teaching career further with another school in 2017 where I taught up to 12th grade. At the same time, I also completed my B.Ed. .


Whilst my husband and I were working in India, both of us were thinking about developing ourselves for a better career in this competitive world full of beautiful opportunities. Being very passionate about teaching, I intended to further develop my skills as a teacher, especially in educating the children in their formative stages. I love to be with young children, learn their thought process, understand their interests as a child and help them develop further. Hence, I aspired to develop myself with the knowledge and abilities that will equip me to teach and foster them in their early childhood. We started looking for further study options for each of us and although there were very good options available in India, we wanted to pursue something abroad because firstly, universities and colleges outside India focus more on practical based learning that help in better understanding of the subject matter and later on becomes easier to implement while working and secondly, we get to meet students from different countries and cultures having various requirements and work methodologies that really helps in understanding how the subject matter is recognized elsewhere and why and how do they use it. Moreover, knowledge gained outside India and people with international degrees/diplomas are very much in demand due to the high standard of teaching and learning. We did a lot of research on courses in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Whilst Canada is a wonderful country with excellent learning avenues, the extreme climatic conditions didn’t seem to be in our favor. So, we decided to finalize one amongst the various options available in Australia and New Zealand that provides the best course content and world class knowledge.

However, my B.Ed. course was not yet completed and time was running out because our parents were getting older and we needed to complete our aspirations and come back home before they become too old to take care of themselves. So, my husband decided to start his course first and I will join mine once my course is over. After lot of research and analysis, my husband decided to enroll himself into a master’s degree course on his subject area provided by La Trobe University, Melbourne. Soon, he got his visa and commenced his course in Melbourne in 2017. I received insights from my husband who kept telling me how beautiful the country is and the people, the ambitious students around the world and the highly knowledgeable faculties eager to teach in every way possible so that students get the most out of it; the industry focused and updated educated system, and the perfect blend of different cultures attracted us more towards Australia. He narrated how beautiful was the education system with excellent classrooms, infrastructure and labs. He especially liked the idea of the audio-video mode of learning involving recording of the class for recaps later that is very unique and so much helpful while revision. I was just very much eager to go abroad and start my course. I was not able to decide which course to enroll into due to so many different options both in Australia as well as New Zealand. However, I was more inclined towards joining a course in New Zealand because it’s a much smaller country having a very peaceful environment that’s best suited for studying. Also, world class teaching methodologies are used in New Zealand also and the practices and policies are similar to that of Australia. But my husband insisted I go to Australia, have a look at the offerings available in Australia and if one suited my expectations, study and go back home together after our studies are over and required practical experiences are gained.

So, I decided to join him in Australia after completion of my B.Ed. course and take my approach from there. As soon as I completed my course we applied for my Australian visa and I arrived in Australia in 2018. I started supporting him while he studied, continued my course hunt and also took up a job as an emergency support worker for triple zero to continue my work experience. I loved the beautiful environment and people of this country who are so helpful, simple, generous and open-minded. I enjoyed working for this job as it gave me immense pleasure in serving the people in need, distressed, sick and who faced unfortunate circumstances. My colleagues and managers are also very helpful, eagerly supportive whenever I needed. This is one of the best work experiences and take-away I have ever had in my life.


I continued exploring my study options to fulfill my vision and aspirations and found that Asian College of Teachers (India), Deakin University (AU), RMIT University (AU), Massey University (NZ) and NZTC (NZ) offer similar courses but when I compared the subjects, there was a clear difference between practical knowledge based approach and theoretical knowledge based approach. The universities in India offer programs that are more theory based whereas the programs offered in New Zealand focus more on practical experience and industry training. Besides, some subjects taught by NZTC like Pedagogy for Infants, Toddlers and Young Children, Learning and Development in the Early Years, Early Childhood Teachers as Leaders are excellent and practical topics to know about and have been wisely designed to make sure the students get well-equipped for future challenges in the job sector.

Moreover, I knew the benefit I will get from an international education in terms of higher standard of knowledge and training, plus understanding how well the young minds are nurtured outside my country. Additionally, New Zealand adheres to the best child-care practices that are enforced by strict laws. I want to learn those best practices and implement them in my country to bring about better child development strategies at an international level. Also, I will be able to learn from internationally qualified teachers and with students from different countries with diverse backgrounds, which will help me understand what different childcare policies and education exists in other countries.


From my research on the content of this course, I found that this program offered by New Zealand Tertiary College is much better and expected to provide a wider knowledge in that specific niche. Besides, gaining hands-on experience with proper theoretical knowledge is the precondition of excelling in any career. I have thoroughly researched the above stated course and found out that this 1.33-year program will provide me all the knowledge and skills required to step up for a bright future. One of the major skills that I will learn is the observational skill or the ability to observe children in order to recognize their interests, knowledge as well as strengths. This in turn, will pave the way for a process of planning. Another skill to be gained from this course is the leadership skill as this course endows us with a deeper understanding of how to be an effective early childhood teacher and leader. I will also get the opportunity for networking, teaching and learning conducted by NZTC faculties that focus on subjects related to early childhood teaching. This will facilitate engagement and discussion with other students and learn the course content better. In a nutshell, this course will help me in every way to reach my career goal. Listed below are what I will learn from this course:

Name of the Subject



The Professional Early Childhood Teacher

This course introduces the key dimensions and characteristics of a successful professional ECE and this will help me in adapting a holistic approach towards nurturing the young minds.

Pedagogy for Infants, Toddlers and Young Children

This course underlies how children’s learning and development can be fostered through play and also explains teaching strategies to support responsive teaching.

Inclusive Early Childhood Practice

This course highlights the importance of inclusion of children with diverse needs and challenges and how best an early childhood educator can support and advocate inclusion. This will enable me to use appropriate methodologies while dealing with children from diverse background and needs.

Early Childhood Teachers as Leaders

This course highlights the concept of leadership and its role and effectiveness in early childhood education.

Field Practice

This helps in proper practical implementation of the theoretical and conceptual knowledge gained from the academic course to cater to the needs of the children.



I have sufficient funds for my tuition fees & maintenance expenses during my stay in Australia. I have already paid my tuition fees NZD29,500.00. I have accumulated liquid of over AUD23,000.00. I have attached documentary evidence to demonstrate sufficient funds & regular income to support my higher education. Apart from this, my family has the ability to support me financially if needed, for my studies and other expenses during my stay in New Zealand.


Both my husband and I have deep family connections in our home country. While we were away on our further learning avenues abroad, sadly both my husband and I lost our fathers during the pandemic that is in itself a tremendous and irreparable loss to our families. Both of our mothers are getting older by the day, and they need our support and care in their old age. Moreover, our children are studying in our hometown and awaiting our return.

Whilst we want to complete what we intended to achieve in life, we want to go back home to reunite with our families as soon as possible and start our new career there, as also we are planning to set-up a school that would follow all the best teaching and learning practices as in these countries. If we can establish one and implement our knowledge for the betterment of our children in India and our beloved country as a whole as we intend to, that will be the greatest return of our investment and our sacrifice in terms of leaving our families alone and losing our fathers while in our quest for self-development and growth.

With the help of the new learnings from this course, I expect that the diversified methodology of teaching coupled with practical/practice teaching will endow on me abundantly enriched, immense and vast knowledge and skills that would help me deliver unique and world-class teaching and educational services in my home country. This in turn, would benefit my students where although we use state-of-the-art technology and teaching methodologies, there are still immense growth and developmental opportunities yet to be explored and implemented. Moreover, the safe and guided teaching practices followed in Australia and New Zealand is not as prevalent in India and I hope to take this approach with me back to my country and implement them for all-round development of our children. This will further improve the quality of knowledge and skills in the students which in turn would help in the overall development of the country when these students will start serving our country later.


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Dear Sir or Madam,

Myself, Dilip Kumar Sharma, I have obtained the Letter of offer from the University of Windsor for the (MEng) Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Option) program. I am conferring my statement of purpose for a Canada student visa. My Academic Background, Professional Experience, Future Goals, and reasoning to select this course are in detail. 


As a Mechanical Engineer by profession, I strenuously admire the concept of continuous improvement. It is indeed true that Mechanical Engineering is the mother of all engineering branches. Being one of the most diverse and versatile fields. Mechanical engineering is the study of objects which are stationary or in motion. It touches every aspect of human lives and engineering, which includes Machinery, Automobiles, Medical Science, Construction, and Aviation. The ultimate aim of a Mechanical Engineer is to reduce human efforts by acquiring the best and most effective methods with an innovative approach. My appreciation for Science and Technology has been full-fledged from a young age. The stipulations of Mathematics and Physics always impressed me in terms of education and practical purposes with a profound interest in pieces of machinery. My interest in technical education at a tender age helped me amplify more research and curiosity to select technical education. Moreover, my mentality is to give excellent performance, which will present desired outcomes. I firmly believe that education is a synonym of success, it has bitter roots, but the end result is a delicious fruit. However, the importance of education should be noted from assessing the market and future technological growth. 


I completed Secondary School (10th Grade) in 2010 from St. Lawrence High School in Navi Mumbai with a Grade of 74.55% (First Class). After graduating from secondary school, I decided that I should designate my career in Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich Pattern). So, I opt for technical education from Agnel Polytechnic College in Navi Mumbai and graduated in 2014 with grades 78.56% (First Class Distinction). This course consists of eight semesters (four years). After enrolling in this program, it has firstly strengthened my foundation of technical abilities and skills. The knowledge from modules like Mechanics, Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Mathematics, and Automobile Engineering excelled my critical thinking abilities and improved my approach to thinking outside of the box for innovation. Thus, this diploma program consists of 33 academic engineering modules in four years. During my Diploma, I acquired an opportunity to perform an internship for six months in the automotive service Centre Bhatti Motors Ltd and Aviation Company Air India.

In 2014, I got an opportunity to attend the University of Greenwich (England). Therefore, the University of Greenwich approved my application to the Bachelor of Engineering Honours in Mechanical Engineering Technology program, direct year two entry by quantifying academic levels, and offered me a chance to transfer for credits for year one and earn a superior level of education. I graduated in July 2016 with (British Grades 2:1, 67.72%) roughly equivalent to a 3.2 GPA out of 4.0. This Bachelor's course consisted of 16 modules in two years, with group projects and individual final year thesis. The curriculum had a direct influence on my academic methodology. It helped me improve my inherent strength, be creative, and foster a stance of troubleshooting, which is the greatest mandatory attribute in this encoding. Subjects like Engineering Mathematics, ThermoFluid's applications, Mechatronics, Applied Engineering Mechanics, Industrial Engineering Management, Dynamics and Kinematics, etc., advanced my in-depth core realization about mechanical engineering systems. Eventually, according to my interest in the final year individual project, I opted for the Micro Turbine Design and scored First Class (71%) in Final Year Individual Thesis. Later on, my findings contributed to a research PhD in Spain, Loyola University Andalusia


I appeared for the Academic IELTS test on January 2021 and scored an overall band of 7.5 with no band less than 6.5. My individual scores are as mentioned below:

Listening: 7.5, Reading: 8.5, Writing: 6.5, Speaking: 7.5


I joined as a Junior Site Engineer in LIS India Construction Private Limited from January 2017 to March 2020, where I developed my core mechanical engineering skills. Here the primary job responsibilities bestowed upon me were MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing), Designing of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air-conditioning) system, evaluating the Volumetric Flow Rate and Pressure in pipes, generating Project Reports, Bill and Cost of the materials. Also, Maintaining Inventory of the materials, dealing with mechanical and civil vendors, estimating the quotation, maximize operational performances and supply chain management tasks. Furthermore, I overlooked routine maintenance for all the mechanical equipment such as Concrete Mixer and Excavators to function smoothly during bottlenecks and supervised the installation of Water pumps and DC Generators on the site. I also occasionally worked on the design of the structure with the Architects and Civil engineering team and used to meet client representatives on a daily basis in order to improve and develop an excellent relationship. Simultaneously, in the latter half of 2020, I also got an offer to work at a Structural Engineering consultancy called Con Arch India for a Site Engineer position. I started working for this consultancy from October 2020 to February 2020. I Solely worked as a quality assessor of materials on the site and also assisted experienced Drafters and Civil Engineers in preparing the blueprints of the structures. What I learned from this short experience is how to implement AutoCAD design into practice. I also learned some advanced CAD (Computer-Aided Design) tools, which was highly beneficial. Also, I indulged in proofreading and corrective measures to be taken on-site concerning client requirements. Evidently, I learned to incorporate the technical knowledge of Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Computer-Aided Design, Engineering Mechanics (Beams), Quality Engineering, and Project Engineering Management in these practical environments.

By all accounts, I gained these valuable professional experiences in Building and Construction Engineering domain by handling Mechanical Engineering and Project Management related tasks of the site, which was my initial goal. However, during these unprecedented times of Covid -19, the only Sector in India which is intact are Manufacturing and Service sector. All the other forms of industries, including the Building and Construction Engineering industry, have suffered from colossal financial losses. So, I realize that I need to have a competitive edge over other candidates in the Indian Talent Pool. Therefore, I am keen to pursue a Master's in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) because of my finite Automotive knowledge with future employment, growth and job security. This field is the only optimal choice for a successful future and opens wide varieties of opportunities. It will also elevate my skill level from Incorporated Engineer to Chartered Engineer. Concurrently, it will aid me to develop career-specific skills, which will be an asset for future employers and assist me in entering Intermediate Engineer job positions with competence in multi-facet mechanical engineering branches. The University of Windsor is providing me with the best career opportunity I desire. This course will help me transform my career from good to great with immense theoretical and practical knowledge, experience, and global exposure.


I came to a decision to pursue a Master of Engineering from overseas where practical knowledge is more prominent and delivered with the utmost theoretical approach. Firstly, I have chosen a country that fits all my criteria. I gathered all the essential information about the most popular destinations for Masters of Engineering. Then, I compared with this set of criteria's such as program, university rankings, level of education, tuition fees, cost of living and the skill-set that I will build. The countries I shortlisted were Canada, Australia, UK, the USA, and New Zealand.

At last, I choose Canada as the final destination for my Master's program. The total tuition fees for this 16-month program from the University of Windsor is CA$ 41,916 (INR 25.57 Lakhs) approximately, and it does not exceed, which is quite economical compared to other countries and universities. In other countries such as the USA, UK, Australia, and New Zealand, the university tuition fees are around CA$ 50,000 – CA$ 80,000. Another massive advantage of Canada is the affordable cost of living (CA$ 10,000) which is quite economical. While, in UK, USA, Australia, and New Zealand, it exceeds CA$ 15,000 to 20,000 for a year. Aside from the aforementioned reasons, Canada also offers post-study work rights, where I can effectuate the skills, I will be gaining after completing this program and gain International valuable experience. This will undoubtedly result in securing high-level engineering jobs in my home country. The Canadian education system is highly renowned and world-class. It is also the most preferred destination for international students from all over the world.

Moreover, I did my due diligence regarding international students' opinions on the Canadian education system and infrastructure. They all provided positive feedback and praised the faculties and institutions. I then concluded that Canada is the most suitable choice for me and one of the best places for studying. It provides practical-oriented education and has an educational system that is easily affordable for any international student from any background.

After thorough research, I concluded that the University of Windsor, program (MEng) Master's in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Option) with or without co-op opportunity and Canada is the best destination for Master studies. It was a quite straightforward decision because the (MEng) Master's in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Option) program satisfies all the criteria, which is only offered by the University of Windsor Canada. Furthermore, in these pandemic times, the Government of Canada has provided innumerable medical aids to all international students compared to all the other countries mentioned above. Also, Canadian universities are extremely flexible with the mode of learning in pandemic times. Numerous colleges and universities in Canada provide online lectures for students who are unable to attend classes in person. Moreover, Canada is a friendly and peaceful living country.


Cost of Education and Conduct. 

  • Canada is known for its cultural diversity, land of natural beauty, and welcoming nature. The country is multicultural and has a zero-tolerance policy towards racial discrimination and xenophobic behavior, which boosts my confidence and gives me an extra sense of security
  • UK’s Master of Engineering Program mainly consist of one year, which doesn't hold a competitive advantage over other destination because most of the Multinational Corporations in India requires at least one and half year in duration for Professional Master's Program. 
  • The engineering curriculum of Indian and UK schools does not maintain equilibrium between the theoretical and practical approaches, making it a less lucrative and ideal destination. 
  • Also, the UK's cost of living is significantly higher than Canada's. Hence, I chose Canada over the UK. Apparently, in this globalized world, every student should have the ambition to earn a superior level of education. Universities in Canada are far more technologically advanced and equipped.
  • However, Indian Universities' global ranking and reputation in the market might hinder my future growth and chances of landing a desirable job. 
  • Quality of Education

  • Masters in engineering schools of Canada are highly renowned for their world-class facilities, renowned research centers, technologically advanced laboratories, and libraries.
  • The Canadian educational system is globally recognized, and Bachelor's and Master's programs are accredited under the Washington Accord system. 
  • International Exposure

  • Studying and living with individuals from different ethnical backgrounds will ultimately help me excel in the future. The exposure that I gained in the UK over the years will surely help me in providing an extra edge over my peers and will uplift my professional profile.
  • International Experience. 

  • Ultimately, Canada is a growing industrial nation, allowing young postgraduate students to work as paid interns in numerous engineering firms while studying.  
  • Many engineering students get a chance to work on an industrial research project and become self-sufficient. Hence, all these factors help me to choose Canada as my destination to study Masters.


    (I). Why the University of Windsor?  

    First and foremost, this program MEng Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Option), is only offered by the University of Windsor exclusively. No other Country or University offers this hybrid and unique programIt is a perfectly blended engineering course. Secondly, my aim is to learn from the best. The University of Windsor ranks in the Top 30 Academic institutions in Canada with a budget of CA$ 118 million (2019) that includes modern laboratories, tools, and high-tech engineering equipment, which will indeterminately provide me with a better repertoire and knowledge. The faculty, which is tremendously committed to Mechanical and Automobile research segments, will be excellent for my future development. The teaching and learning atmosphere in this university is on a whole new level, which I am confident will play a crucial role in my professional occupation. As a matter of fact, the University of Windsor invested CA$ 112 million in the Center of Engineering. Several engineering departments of the University of Windsor are highly prestigious and regarded as one the best in Canada. Mechanical Engineering and Automotive Engineering are among them, and therefore I consider it my privilege to study at the same.

    After online research about the University of Windsor and the Program (MEng) Master in Mechanical Engineering – Automotive Option, I found that the University of Windsor has world-class engineering facilities with cutting-edge research centres and modernized Libraries. By enrolling in this university of high stature, it will unquestionably improve my level of consistency and persistence in the edification of my career. Lastly, the faculty teaching at the University of Windsor is tremendously committed to Hybrid Vehicle Technology, i.e., Centre for Hybrid Automotive Research and Green Energy. The faculty's emphasis on research will be excellent from my research perspective during the course.  

    (II) Why this Course? And how this course relates to your previous academics and work experiences?

    Automotive Engineering is sub – branch of Mechanical Engineering. Enrolling in this program of M. Eng. in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Option) will bridge the void of technical knowledge between my previous academics, work experience, and future employability. After completing this program, the extensive benefits include a detailed understanding of advanced Automotive Engineering principles. Not only will it emphasize Design, Operation, and Manufacturing but also on Business and Management areas. My knowledge will be up to date on this subject and hence will pave the way to further my career. This professional degree holds high regard in Indian Multinational companies too. The versatility of this course lies in the fact that it consists of eight components, of which six are Major Mechanical/Automotive components, and two are Business and Management subjects in a duration of 16 months with an optional co-op opportunity.



    What I will learn in this Subject.

    How it is related to previous academics and work experience? And will it be useful in my career?


    Computational Methods and Modelling for Engineering Applications.


    This Module consists of applying Computational analysis for finding solutions and implement real-world problems Such as Software Called Matlab and LabView.

    It is a core mechanical subject, and I have studied in my previous academics of like Engineering Mathematics. It is also related to my work experience in Model a BuildingIn the future, it will also be helpful to data acquisition, which the Design Department uses to improve the Quality of the system. 


    Introduction to Finite Element Analysis.


    This subject focuses on the Solid Mechanics, Structural Mechanics and Stress analysis. In this calculation of load on Beam of the structure, Springs and Bars in 3-dimensional mode. Also, I will learn new FEA Software.

    This module is the spine of the MEng Engineering program. It is a core subject of mechanical engineering. I have studied this subject on basic level during my previous programs that are Diploma and Bachelors of Engineering. In my professional experience, I have applied the fundamentals of stress analysis to design structure of Roofs and Beams. It will be a highly beneficial subject in future to get a job in the Structural Design Industry as well.


    Management Information System.


    This unit will help the students to learn about variable tools and techniques used in client interactions and operational Procedures Such as CRM (Client Relationship Management). Students will also learn topics such as: Defining the project, cost, scope and time, risk analysis, procurement, Issuing Invoices and bills.

    It is a core subject and this module will fuel me with enhanced knowledge on management and managing people in a professional environment. I have also studied the lower level of Management modules in previous academic programs. It is also related to work experience responsibilities:  Maintaining operational performances, Material Cost, maintaining relationship with Clients and organizing staffing levels. In future, it will bridge the digital knowledge gap by learning these modules such as Cloud, Big Data, ERP and Outsourcing for choosing right business model.


    Automotive Paints and Industrial Coatings.

    This is new course I will learn. It focuses on different techniques of Painting on the vehicle surfaces and concept of polymers. I will also learn variable coating methods on different materials.

    This module will amplify my paint and coating knowledge and it is one of the most important modules because it is directly related with my long-term goal that is Authorized Automotive Service Center business model. Also, the biggest benefit by studying this course is greater understanding of Polymer Chemistry and its applications.


    Bluff Body Aerodynamics.


    How to design any equipment or structure with minimum friction?  

    And calculate Drag force or Lift force on a passenger vehicle. Also, Architectural aerodynamics such as wind speed in low rise, high-rise buildings, Sports Stadiums, and large roofs.

    I've Studied Aerodynamics in Diploma and Bachelor's that is in Fluid Mechanics and Engineering MechanicsI have Designed Pelton Turbines in the Final Year thesis of my Bachelors. Also, I worked in the construction industry, where we designed the building structure as per the wind speed with maximum wind efficient design. 


    Fundamentals of Clean Engine Technology.


    I will study in-depth about different fuel properties, exhaust emission, and combustion processes, and I will also study different types of external combustion engines.

    I have studied these contents in previous subjects like Thermodynamics and Combustion Engineering. Moreover, it will help to understand more about preventive maintenance of vehicles to limit or prevent pollution. During my internship as a Trainee Engineer at Bhatti Motors, I learned about the importance of clean engine technology and put it into practice.


    Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow.

    Using numerical methods for predicting heat transfer in a system and practice CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and governing differential equations.


    I have studied this subject in my Bachelor's final year Individual project on lower level, and I have performed CFD tasks in my thesis called Micro Turbine Design. Also, I have used this fluid dynamics knowledge in my professional work experience when designing the pipes for the buildings.


    Engineering Venture Formation.


    This module is designed for students who wish for Entrepreneurship as a career. It helps develop the blueprints for the new business ideas, such as conducting feasibility studies and writing new business plans and choosing a legal form of business plans—fundraising and identifying or approaching the source of money.

    My long-term goal is to start my own business venture in my home country. Hence, it is the most valuable subject for me. 

    From this course, I will gain the idea to raise funds to set up my own venture. This course will help me to conduct new business strategies in this competitive market. Also, I have the basic knowledge about this course from my work experiences that how to develop new business and project plan as per the client requirement and current market trends.



    This program is entirely in alignment and exactly correlated to my academics and partially with my work experiences. Some of these modules in this program, I studied on a basic level and implemented these technical fundamentals in a practical framework. After completion of this program, I will gain advanced knowledge in Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering Industries.


    The greatest boon after the completion of this program will be my broad areas of expertise and employment scope. Past academic qualifications in Mechanical Engineering and work experience in the Construction Engineering Sector with specialization in Automotive Engineering will open a threshold for thousands of jobs in variable Indian engineering divisions such as Conventional Mechanical, Manufacturing, Maintenance, and Construction Engineering industries. Hence, it will concomitantly serve my long-term goal, which is explained in detail below.

             Key skills I will learn and improve after completing this program

    (A.) Data Analysis Skills: By studying advanced modules like Computational Methods and Modelling for Engineering Applications, I will learn how to solve complex mathematical problems in real-time and their advanced application on passenger vehicles. It is also imperative to analyse and interpret the data and results.  

    (B.) Data Modelling and Design Skills: This skill will be improved by studying Computational Methods and Modelling for Engineering Applications, and Bluff Body Aerodynamics will help me work and simulate the gathered data and predict the nature of the system to avoid costly mistake or ineffective productions in real-time.

    (C.) Technical Skills: This skill will be improved by studying Numerical Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow and Fundamentals of Clean Engine Technology. This will help me improve my technical knowledge about the science of heat transfer in automotive systems with clean technology to save mother nature. 

    (D.) Structural Analysis Skill: I will learn this new skill by studying Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow. This module will improve my knowledge of passenger cars. So, by forming the proper structure and performing mathematics and physics, it can be controlled or eliminated. 

    (E.) Problem Solving and Pressure Management Skills: This skill will be improved by studying the subject Management Information System. By studying this module, I can work on this skill, which I struggled with during professional employment. I can learn and extract the best techniques from this module to identify the problems by assessing the situations to find the solutions. 

    (F.) Communication, Presentation, and Leadership Skills: This skill will be improved by studying Engineering Venture Formation and will help me to stimulate my confidence to communicate with professionals and teach me how to lead by example.

    (G.) Business Organizational Skill: This is an entirely new skill I will learn by studying Engineering Venture Formation. This subject will help me organize myself before taking a giant leap of setting up my own start-up and aid me with creative business proposal ideas in a new or existing business. 

    (H.) Creativity and Decision-Making Skills: This skill cannot be taught, but it can be naturally extracted by delving into subjects like Management Information System. It will assist me in working on my shrewdness and use the rational approach in complex situations.

    I had also received an offer for a Master of Engineering in Mechanical and Materials Engineering from Western University, which is based in London, Ontario. Fortunately, I received offers from the University of Windsor. Ergo, I chose the MEng Program in Mechanical (Automotive Option) of the University of Windsor because it is the best program and tailor-made for me as per the requirement and also aligns with my long-term future Goals.


    (I) Short Term Future Goal: Mechanical Engineering is an evergreen and diverse field with various branches of engineering that fall under it. This course is a combination of conventional Automotive Engineering with advanced Manufacturing Engineering contents. My background in Mechanical Engineering and my professional experience in Construction Engineering will broaden my horizon and diversify my portfolio with broader job scope. The outcome after successful completion of this course will drastically improve my odds of landing a better job in Multinational Engineering companies in my home country with obtaining the certification title of Chartered or Professional Engineer. MEng in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) will cater me to get jobs in Indian Automotive Sector as well. It is a pathway to reach this short-term goal. I will be directly eligible for intermediate level of Engineering positions in companies such as Tata Motors, Mahindra and Mahindra, Eicher Motors, Bajaj Auto Limited, and Ashok Leyland and also be qualified to work in these four departments such as Engineering Research and Development (R&D), Manufacturing and Operations, Purchase and Supply Chain, and Quality Assurance. The Intermediate engineering professional's salaries shoot up to INR 15 to 20 Lakhs Per Annum (CA$ 34,000) excluding perks. This degree is valued by most Indian and overseas companies, and with my professional work experience, it will be icing on the cake. It will open a threshold for me to indulge in extensive engineering projects in my home country. I also wish to gain some valuable Canadian professional work experience with a degree in Masters of Engineering studies. In the next six years, I see myself in these engineering positions. I will be eligible for senior-most positions such as Senior Mechanical Engineer, Lead Engineer, Senior Project Engineer, Senior Design Engineer, Plant Manager, Engineering Manager, Principal Engineer, and Senior Automobile Engineer with the annual package will be up to INR 48 Lakhs (CA$ 79,000). This is the golden opportunity for me to raise my standards in terms of employment exponentially. Another immense reward is that many American, German, and Japanese automakers are setting their foot in India for setting up an Electric Vehicle assembly plant. Hence, with this degree, I can also meet their criteria and acquire a professional opportunity. Companies such as Ford, Toyota, Honda, Mercedes Benz India, BMW India, and Audi India require professional Mechanical or Automobile Engineers to serve their purpose of Electric or Hybrid Vehicles technology application for Indian end-users. Hence, it is worth investing in further studies in Canada because I can fully cover my expenses from the salary package.   

    (II) Long Term Future Goal: In the long run, I plan to start up my own business venture. By late 30's I want to set up an Authorized Automobile Service Center in Mumbai, India. India is rapidly growing as an Industrial economy from an agriculturally based economy. It is the second-largest market for business in the world. The demand to supply is deficient, especially in Automotive Service Sector. The return on investment in India is extremely high compared to the rest of the world. This creates a golden opportunity for me set up my business venture. In the last two decades, the market of Manufacturing and sales of Automobiles has been sky-rocketed. As a result, I wanted to set up a service center for both traditional IC Engine Vehicles and Electric Vehicles (EV). The projected sales of electric vehicles will increase by tenfold in 2026. I also require an investment of CA$ 1.5 million to CA$ 2.0 million to own a franchise of any reputed Automotive brand and to set up the entire business. This long-term plan will be backed by my parents, and they are willing to fund and support me. So, fundraising will not be a complex task in this case. The initial profit percentage will be higher and not compromised as India is booming the Electric Vehicle market, which translates to a pretty high-profit percentage business. To fulfill this long-term plan, I need to have a Master's Degree in Mechanical or Automotive Engineering from a reputed institution and have to apply for a dealership license. To execute this long-term plan, I need the guidance of experienced professors and the research team of the University of Windsor. Engineering Venture Formation is a subject that I will study. Professor Gerry Kerr can help me amplify my career forward in the best possible fashion to serve this plan in the near future. I am fully persuaded that studying this course under the supervision of multi-talented professionals will help me to understand and become fully independent in this business sector.


    Pen ultimately, my aim is to come back to Mumbai, India, after completing my studies with one year of professional work experience on a post-study work permit in Canada. I am an extremely sociable person, and I always want to be with my family and support them morally as my parents require me in their old age. My family, friends, and relatives are all in Mumbai, and I feel happy and satisfied to live in my community with peace and harmony rather than living alone in Canada. Over this, we have properties, assets, and business, which I will be acquiring from my parents and fulfilling my primary objectives. I also want to be connected with my roots and motherland, considering opportunities in my personal life. I am also profoundly attached to Indian social lifestyle, cuisine, and culture. So, I am applying for Student Visa, and my intentions are genuine. I am a sincere and law-abiding individual and understand all the rules and regulations of Canada. As an international applicant, I am also aware of the working conditions on international students imposed by the Canadian Immigration Authorities, which is not more than 20 hours per week during an academic term.


    My major source of finance is my parents. They are going to support my tuition fees and living expenses in Canada, and I am single and have no dependents on me. My Father is Businessman, and my mother is a homemaker. The average annual income of my parents is approximately INR 14.25 lakhs (CA$ 23,700), including taxes. I have also paid my first-year full tuition fees, which is CA$ 30,437 (Three Terms) and made a GIC investment of around CA$ 10,000 in Scotia Bank. I also have access to funds in Mutual funds, which can be liquidated immediately, which is INR 1 crore (CA$165,000) for fourth term tuition fees that is CA$ 10,479 and second-year living expenses that are CA$10,000. Aside from this, the liquid and immovable asset of my parent is around INR 14.26 Crore (CA$ 2.35 million), which includes house, land and Fixed Deposit. Fundamentally, I have sufficient funds for my education trip to Canada. Hence, all the financial documents are attached to the application. 

    After completing this program from an esteemed academic institution like the University of Windsor, I am highly optimistic that I will be achieving my desired targets. I am grateful to you for investing your prestigious time in my application and giving me such a splendid opportunity to express myself. I also admire the value of chance that is given to me in these tough pandemic times.  


    Dilip Kumar Sharma


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