Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Support letter from a friend

To whom it may concern

I am writing this in support of Jaspreet Singh and Hapreet Kaur application for immigration based on their relationship.

Jaspreet and Hapreet have been in a stable, mature relationship and they are very devoted towards each other. I can say that based on the many instances I’ve had to witness the warmth of their relationship. Having known Hapreet through College, I have had the pleasure of being close to the couple over the years. I even had a chance to attend their Engagement ceremony on DD/MM/YYYY and Marriage ceremony on DD/MM/YYYY. I have been in touch with Hapreet even after marriage and she seems to be happy with this relationship.

I think they share a very comfortable vibe and are happily together.

Feel free to contact me in case of any specific questions regarding this at +00000000. Thanks

Kind Regards,

Kuldeep Kaur

Support letter from a friend

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To whom it may concern,

I Jasdeep Singh am writing this in support Kuldeep Singh and Harpreet Kaur application for immigration based on their relationship.

Kuldeep Singh and Harpreet Kaur have been in a stable, mature relationship and they are very devoted towards each other. I can say that based on the many instances I've had to witness the warmth of their relationship. Having known Kuldeep Singh through school timing studying together at Govt. School of Delhi, I have had the pleasure of being close to the couple over the years.

I think they share a very comfortable vibe and are happily together.

Feel free to contact me in case of any specific questions regarding this at +0000000000.



Jasdeep Singh

Support letter from a one Girl’s of Parents

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To whom it may concern,

I am Pawan Sharma, father of Jyoti Sharma. And I am writing this in support of my daughter's application.

My daughter and Dilip Kumar (My son in law) were married on 30th September 2020. Marriage was taken place at Bharuch, Gujarat, India. Jyoti (My daughter) and Dilip (My son in law) met each other on a Matrimonial site in December 2018. They started to know each other since and got engaged on 14th April 2019. They know each other for almost two years now and both of them are caring, and good to each other.

We are a family with rich values and culture and both of them take this forward with their healthy bond and interest in similar things.

Be free to call me at +0000000000 for further queries.

Kind Regards,

Pawan Sharma

Support letter from a one Boy’s of Parents

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To whom it may concern,

Subject: Letter of history of relationship of my son Arjun Kumar and my daughter in law Priya Gupta.

I Kishan Lal S/0 Sohan Lal residing at Kajal road, VPO. Badopal, District Fatehabad, Haryana India states that Arjun Kumar is my real son.

Priya was introduced to me and my wife at a wedding in my wife’s family. Then we sent few photographs of Arjun and Priya to each other and let them decide if they would like to consider a relationship. My son approved for this marriage as did Priya. So we decided to do an engagement ceremony on 01 Feb 2020 as per of our customs. We did this engagement ceremony in presence of friends and family in a social gathering in absence of Arjun as he was in New Zealand.

A wedding date was set for 07 Mar 2020 after consulting my son Arjun and Priya. Arjun flew to India on 18th of February 2020 and jumped straight into wedding preparations. On March 07, with all our family members, friends and respectables of our village we too k baraat of Arjun to Haryana at Mr. Dev Singh's (Priya Father) reception place. After completing all our customs and rituals Arjun and Priya got married in front of both of our families, friends and respectables of both of our villages in a social gathering. After the wedding Priya joined our family as my daughter in law and my son Arjun’s wife. Arjun stayed in India till August 12,2020 after wedding and then he moved to New Zealand for rejoin his job. He wanted to get a place and get job for stable income before he invites Priya to join him in New Zealand. He visited her in India for two weeks in November. While they were working on Priya’s visa under Partner Visa, Corona happened and they were forced to live apart until Arjun came back to his wife in Mar 2021. Now they both are together here at our family town in Badopal among our family and friends. I would wish them all the happiness in world and best of luck for their future together in New Zealand as they are applying for Priya's visa to go to NZ together.

Please feel free to contact me for any queries you might have regarding my son Arjun and my daughter in law Priya relationship, I would be glad to help.


Kishan Lal

Support letter from a Colleague

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Immigration New Zealand

Dear Officer,

Sahil and I go back 4 years. We met each other at our first job in 2017, since then we have been very good friends and our relationship/bond has grown over time.

Sahil and Neha met and started being in a relationship from 2020 and I have seen their relationship mature over the years. Sahil is currently based in New Zealand and Neha is in India. We meet very often, usually on weekends over drinks and every time we meet, we always discuss how difficult it can be to be away from the person who you love the most and who matters the most to you.

I feel they are made for each other, we all are very excited and are waiting to see them back together here in New Zealand. I can happily say that they are in a genuine relationship and they are one of the most beautiful couples I know of.

Please feel free to contact me in case you need any additional information.

Kind Regards,

Vishal Sharma


Support letter from a Colleague

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Re: Support of Visa Application for Hardik and Manisha

Dear Immigration New Zealand,

I am writing this in support of Hardik and Manisha's application for a Partner of a New Zealander Work Visa.

In my opinion, Hardik and Manisha are in a stable, loving and caring relationship and they are very committed to each other. On many occasions I have witnessed their devotion to each other, and to Manisha's 5-year-old son, Rahul.

I met Manisha over 4 years ago when we worked together for the first time. After her son Rahul was born we were working together again at Indian Cafe, when she first met and started dating Hardik. From there I have had the pleasure of watching and hearing about their relationship develop. I first met him at Manisha birthday where he also met her other friends, parents and family. Since then he has become close with our friends, her family and her son. I can see the positive impact Hardik has with Rahul, and the father/son style relationship they have formed is beautiful.

A couple of fond memories I share with Manisha, Hardik, Rahul and other friends include Manisha’s Birthday, the Oktoberfest party and White Christmas dinner at their house. I am most excited for the upcoming trip we have planned together around some of the South Island.

It is clear Manisha, Hardik and Rahul are incredibly happy and comfortable operating as a family.

Please feel free to contact me if you do have questions regarding this at +000000000 or



Shreya Sharma

Support letter from a Head of Village

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To whom it may concern,

I am Pardeep Singh sarpanch (Head/Decision maker} of village Manakwal P.O. Box Gill Dist.: Ludhiana. I am writing this in support of Gagandeep Singh and Manjeet Kaur's application for immigration based on their relationship. I have known Gagandeep Singh for by his birth.

Gagandeep Singh and Manjeet Kaur got married on 25.07.2021. They have been living together in village Manakwal. They have been good to each other over some months.

Please feel free to contact me on +0000000000 for any further information /follow up questions.



Pardeep Singh

Support letter from a Cousin

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To whom it may concern,

I am writing this in support of Prabhjeet Kaur and Hardip Singh’s application for immigration

based on their relationship.

They both have been in a stable, mature relationship and they are very devoted towards each other. I can say that based on the many instances I’ve had to witness the warmth of their relationship. Having known them for a long time, I have had the pleasure of being close to the couple over many years. I knew Prabhjeet since childhood as we both have studied in the same College and since then we are very good friends. Through Prabhjeet I know his husband Hardip Singh. They both like to travel together since they have come in contact with each other.

I assure they share a very comfortable vibe and are happily together.

Feel free to contact me in case of any specific questions regarding this. My contact number is


Kind Regards,

Sandeep Kaur

Support letter from a CEO Company

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To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter in support of Gurdip and Harleen’s application for immigration based on their relationship.

Harleen started working for New Zealand Events Limited in January 2020, and at that time was already in a stable relationship with Gurdip Singh.

As well as getting to know Harleen at work, we have also had the pleasure of getting to know both of them socially, as Gurdip as he has participated in work events with Harleen, including on two occasions, weekends away with our whole team and their families. During these times I have observed how well suited to one another Harleen and Gurdip are. It is clear that they are a close couple, and Gurdip has also shown a natural affinity for Harleen’s son, Ishant.

Please feel free to contact me if there are any further questions you have.

Kind Regards,

Ruth Smith