Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.




[Full Address]

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to confirm that _______(name of the visitor/s) is my _____(relationship to you) and I would like to invite (him/her/them) to visit me in _____(your city) from _____(date) until _____(date). The purpose of their visit is to attend my graduation ceremony.

I am a student at the University of ________. I am due to complete my course in (month/year) and will then graduate in_____ (relevant date). I have enclosed a letter from my university.

I confirm that I am ______(self-funded, funded by my parents, funded by a sponsor) and I receive ______(amount of money per month). I have enclosed evidence of this. My visitor/s has/have sufficient funds to bear his/her/their expense during their stay in New Zealand.

I confirm that ______(name of the visitor/s) will be staying with me at my house in _____ during their stay.  I have enclosed evidence of my address and accommodation.

I would be very grateful if you would approve a request for a New Zealand visitor visa so that they can visit me. I hope the necessary visa arrangements can be made as soon as possible. Please find the following evidence:

  • Letter from University of _____ to confirm my registration.
  • A copy of my passport and current student visa.
  • My financial evidence(if applicable).
  • Evidence of my accommodation(if applicable).

Yours faithfully,



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Your Name

Full Address

Re: Issuance of visitor's visa to my parents

Dear Immigration Officer,

I, _____(name), work as a _____(profession) at XYZ Corporation, based in Auckland, and I earn $45,000.00 per year. I would like to invite my parents, _____, and ______(names) to visit New Zealand. They will be staying with me at my apartment at the above-mentioned address for 3 weeks. They will arrive on____(date), and leave on _____(date). During their stay in New Zealand, they will bear all responsibilities including, but not limited to, financial responsibilities, return airfare from ______ to ______(locations) and back, travel expenses

within New Zealand, medical insurance, housing, and food.

I will personally make sure that they leave New Zealand before the expiration of their authorized stay. I have attached income, citizenship, and employment documentation.

Should you have any further concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me. I respectfully request that you grant a visitor’s visa to my parents.





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Full Address

Subject: Letter of invitation

Dear Immigration Officer,

[Visitor’s Name] – PASSPORT NO XXXXXXXX – Born on [Visitor’s Date of Birth]

My name is [Host’s Name], residing at [Host’s Address] and I am a New Zealand citizenship holder.

I am requesting that you issue a tourist visa to [Visitor’s Name] who resides at [Visitor’s Address]. I am inviting him to visit me in New Zealand. We have known and been friends for the past 3 years and I would like him to visit me this summer.

[Visitor’s Name] will be visiting me from [Date of Entry] to [Date of Exit]. This will be a great time because we will both be off work at this time. During his / her stay in New Zealand, he/she will stay with me at my home at the address stated above.

My visitor will be responsible for his / her accommodation expenses while he/she is in New Zealand. Upon the termination of his / her visit, he/she will return to [Visitor’s Hometown].

[Visitor’s Name] will be presenting this letter to you, together with other evidence to establish his close ties with [Visitor’s Home Country], and to assure you that he/she will return prior to the expiration of his / her stay in New Zealand.

Your kind consideration of this request will be highly appreciated.

Yours Truly,

[Host’s Name]

[Host’s Address]

[Host’ Phone Number]

[Host’s signature]


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[Full Address]

Re: Issuance of Visitor Visa

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter to request the approval of a Visitor Visa to _____(name), who is a permanent resident of _____(country), residing in______(location). He is my _____(relationship to you). I would like him to come and visit New Zealand from _____(entry date) until _____(leaving date). The purpose of the visit is to attend my wedding that is going to take place on ______(date). He has seen me grow from my childhood and always adored me like his own son. Such a joyful ceremony would be just incomplete without him.

I confirm that my name is ____ and I work as ______(job title) at _____(company name) and have been doing so for ______(period of time). As I am a New Zealand citizen, I am well aware that I will be responsible for my visitor, and during the visit, he will be financed by himself. During the visit, he will be staying at a hotel at the following address:

Room no ____

Hotel ______

Full Address of the hotel____

I will personally make sure they return to India before the expiration of their tourist visa. For any further information, please contact me.

I enclose the following documents: proof of address/hotel booking/occupation/passport.

Yours faithfully


Full name_____

Contact details_____


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[Full Address]

Subject: Letter of Invitation

Dear Immigration Officer,

Good day! I am _____(name), holding a New Zealand citizenship, and a resident of _________(city/location). I have been working as a _____(job title) at _____(company name) for six years.

I am writing this letter to request that you grant a tourist visa for my brother ______(name). He resides in India and his passport number is ______. I am inviting him to visit me for a month. I have been facing depression for a few days due to my husband’s sudden demise last month. I believe that if I have my family’s support with me, I will be able to get back to my normal life and recover from this critical condition soon. My brother already bought a round-trip ticket. His details including his flights are attached to this letter.

He will be staying with me and he will shoulder all his expenses for food, transportation, and other allowances. I have attached certified copies of my accommodation and other documentation as evidence. During his stay, I will take the responsibility of educating him about the culture and laws in this country. I will also ensure that he will be following his departure date.

Thank you for your kind consideration.




Contact Number______


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