To whoever it may concern,

My name is Deepak Ramamurthy (insert your complete name), and I am a permanent resident (Please write my current address). Please keep in mind that the reason for this letter is related to the Genuine Temporary Entrant Statement and other requirements that are part of the visa application process. The following details my background, previous work experience, present financial condition, and the primary reasons for my decision to study:

  • Bachelor of Business Management at Charles Sturt University in Adelaide, Australia. (Add university/college name, add city name).


I was born (put the date). Mr. Reddy Ramamurthy and Eswaramma Lakshman (add your parents' names) raised me. I am the/a (insert nth/only) child. (My siblings' names are.) I was always captivated by business as a child. People make money by selling a product or delivering a service. I would compare all the shops and businesspeople in our area, thinking about their business tactics and what made one more successful than the others. Of course, I lacked the words to express my feelings. They were merely concepts and ideas that I had been playing with since I was a child. My parents were aware of my hobbies because I was constantly questioning them. They are both businessmen and women who are good providers of knowledge and insights. My father also told me that when I was younger, I would like to go to his workplace and act out my father's role as if I were a boss myself. My father is the MD of Sri Deepthi Auto Mobiles. I've always liked my father's work. He was continuously creating and implementing methods to improve efficiency, and he was always coming up with brilliant ideas to enhance sales. But I was most impressed by his interactions with his employees and clientele. They admired and adored him.

My father appointed me "Chores Service Manager" when I was 14 years old to support my desire to own my own business. I was already doing chores at home in any case, but I loved the title. Instead of receiving a fixed stipend, my allowance was determined by the services I offered to my mother and father. I was able to obtain more; this was my first real-life lesson in perseverance and efficiency. Over time, I was able to channel my entrepreneurial spirit into school-based projects. When my parents went on business trips abroad, I would ask my classmates if they wanted anything from London, and I would run a small buy and sell a business every time my parents went. Many of my classmates preferred to buy products from other countries rather than buy locally, and my pricing is still lower because my parents would get these items at a discount. Chocolates, perfume, cologne, wallets, bags, and shoes were among the things. I earned some money doing this. A pair of Nike shoes, which initially costed $90, was lowered to $50. I was able to sell it for $70. I only needed one item to obtain $20. All the trading helped me earn close to $300 one time.

Tutoring Service was another item I did. I excelled in math and science. For a charge, I tutored lower-level students at our school. I couldn't charge much, but it was consistent income. Yes, money was a reward in all my business efforts. But, more importantly, the work itself is satisfying. For me, creating a service or selling items was enjoyable employment. My parents recognized how driven I was to succeed, and they have always supported me and placed a premium on my education. I attended Sir CRR High School. I graduated first in my class. Aside from school, I was always attempting to gain a business education.

I was captivated by business writings and business blogs such as His post How to Start a Million-Dollar Business This Weekend piqued my interest (Examples: App Sumo, Mint, Chihuahuas). Reflecting on Work Improves Job Performance ( and Making Business Personal ( In addition, as someone who grew up with applications for everything, I was drawn to IT. I've witnessed first-hand how valuable applications can be in one's life. I've also seen the potential in enterprises. I even persuaded my parents to use apps to improve the efficiency of their work. These applications included Office Mobile, Mint, Card Munch, and Cisco WebEx Meetings, among others. My father could be old-fashioned at times, but he recognized how these gadgets made his life easier. The virtual world of the internet has always fascinated me, and I've always been interested in how information on computer networks is managed and processed in businesses. I was especially interested in the IT industry, as I have always been and will continue to be astounded at how much it has expanded. IT World, Mashable, InfoWorld, and local blogs like Geek for Geeks, Guiding Tech, and Next Big What are the sites I read. Because of my interest and chances in worldwide IT firms, I wish to work in top management. To accomplish so, I need to receive a world-class business education, known and desired by large corporations. Earning a business degree from an institution regarded as a leader in business programs will strategically place me in management and leadership roles. My ambition is to become senior management at an international IT company in India, where I will create a vision for the company and lead it to success.

Why not Study in India?

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While studying in India may appear simple, a closer examination reveals that studying overseas is a wiser alternative. We have relatively few institutions in India that maintain high-quality rankings standards, including the IIMs, IITs, and ISBs (Please spell out the complete names of the universities). These top Indian universities do have a Business Administration program. However, due to limited seats and caste-based reservations, competition is fierce. Most local universities and colleges still have outdated course content that does not cover current and developing fields of business management. In addition, the admission exam is difficult to pass because there is competition from all around India. As a result, I began looking for alternatives. I decided to look into foreign schooling and did more study to see if it was realistic and get into one of the good colleges abroad. As I researched my alternatives, I discovered several advantages of studying abroad, including looking at a top-ranked university, receiving a high-quality education, and gaining significant foreign experience.

Furthermore, an international education provides me with a worldwide perspective and aids in developing cross-cultural skills, communication skills, and the formation of networks. When I return to India, I will be more competitive. Multinational IT firms will choose me because of my international experience and globally recognized degree. As a manager in MNC, I will be dealing with clients from all over the world. I'll be able to create contacts and negotiate with international business partners and clients now that I've mastered the Western culture while studying overseas. Looking in Australia, where the company is well-known, will give me an advantage in being a highly successful manager in India.

Why Not Other Nations?

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These movies have made me even more aware of the benefits of studying abroad. I'll learn more about other cultures, other ways of thinking, myself, how to survive on my own and build a network of friends and prospective business contacts.

Before deciding on Australia, I wanted to do my homework and check around to be sure I was picking the right nation. In addition, I have examined the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada as viable study places for earning my degree. So I began asking around and investigating these nations.


When researching the United States, I visited the following websites:

The United States is home to well-known colleges such as Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford, which draw many students due to their prominence. After witnessing it, I almost wanted to go to Stanford.

However, due to the exorbitant prices, it is not an affordable alternative. 1 USD equals INR 68.4, Not to mention the low admission rate. The entire application process is time-consuming and requires laborious work. In addition, US institutions require the GMAT, which requires 6 - 8 months of complex preparation to achieve a respectable score. In the United States, there is a broader range of top-tier universities to choose from, including the University of Pennsylvania, New York University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The fees, however, remain somewhat high at 71,715 USD, 71,790 USD, and 67,430 USD, respectively.

There will also be other costs and living in the United States is reputed to be among the highest. International students can only work up to 20 hours a week. The expensive costs, ongoing political uncertainties, and onerous conditions imposed on students compelled me to withdraw from the United States. With the spike in hate crime events and recent regime policy changes, there is significant uncertainty in the international student community about issuing US student visas and the security and safety of studying in the United States.


I began my inquiry with the following:

During my investigation on the United Kingdom, I came across this blog -

At first look, the United Kingdom appears to be a good option. However, after examining other factors, I've concluded that the United Kingdom is not for me either. The exchange rate in the United Kingdom is higher (1 Pound Sterling = INR 88.6). BREXIT is one thing to consider. Although the full impact of BREXIT is unknown, specific forecasts indicate that college rates would most definitely rise. Tuition costs at UK universities are already excessive, with the University of Cambridge charging as much as 32,214 pounds a year. If prices rise, international students like me will find it more challenging to afford. There are less expensive schools, such as Lancaster University, which costs 19,474 pounds a year, and Durham University, which costs 21,500 pounds. However, it takes three years to get a full-time business degree in the United Kingdom. It is relatively expensive to pay that amount range annually for at least three years.

Furthermore, the expense of living is expensive. Also, if I want to work part-time to offset some of my daily expenses, it won't be easy because international students have many job restrictions. For example, we can only work 20 hours per week, and some universities only allow part-time work on campus. Furthermore, I have always disliked the cold and do not enjoy dreary weather.


Canada boasts excellent business programs, but the application process is lengthy. For example, it is necessary to apply 8 to 10 months ahead of time. In addition, the GMAT is required, and I need to score higher than 90% to gain admission to elite institutes. The conversion rate, however, is superior, as 1 CAD equals INR 51. Tuition fees, on the other hand, remain prohibitively expensive. Western University, for example, costs 38,611 Canadian dollars a year, while York University costs 31,483 Canadian dollars.

Furthermore, one of the main reasons I am hesitant to study in Canada is the country's harsh weather conditions. Tropical climates are my natural preference. I'm one of those people that is readily influenced by the weather. I'm not built for chilly weather. If I study in a country with a generally cold temperature, I am concerned that my studies will suffer, my grades will suffer, and I will not get the most out of my educational experience.

These are some of the websites I researched:

The last one was a website for an agency.

What Makes Australia Unique:

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Australia is popular with overseas students. This is because most Australian educational institutions provide a diverse range of academic programs, allowing students to easily select their desired profession, the appropriate specialized course, and the best universities in Australia. Other countries cannot compete with the excellent competencies developed by Australian institutions. Furthermore, based on my investigation, I discovered that institutions in Australia offer the best technology and infrastructure, creating the ideal environment for learning.

I looked at this website:

And I've discovered all relevant information about fee arrangements in Australia. Australia does provide outstanding value for money and a standard of living that is among the highest in the world without breaking the bank. Living expenditures and tuition fees are lower in Australia than in any other country on my list.

The cost of living in Australia is 17% lower than in the United Kingdom and 8% lower than in the United States. Training, teaching, and research facilities are world-class, with cutting-edge laboratories and classrooms, superb libraries, and cutting-edge technology. Australia is often first in adopting new technology faster than most other countries, and it started the new millennium with one of the world's highest rates of internet access. Australia is a dynamic and lively country that has a lot to offer students interested in foreign education. As an international student, my rights would be protected by the ESOS or Education Services for Overseas Students Act. Choosing to study in Australia will give me numerous chances and experiences, fascinating and progressive world-class education programs and universities, globally recognized degrees, and an updated course curriculum. In many places throughout the world, employers and prominent educational institutions recognize Australian qualifications. In addition, Australia is a secure, multi-ethnic, friendly, and peaceful community. I chose to study in Australia because the government has 2.5 million former international students who have made a difference in their home countries due to their studies in Australia. Some of these pupils are among the brightest minds on the planet.

Why pursue a Bachelor of Business (Management) degree:

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My parents have always been in their separate business professions. Therefore, I've always been interested in the business world. When I saw the film Wolf of Wall Street, my interest in business skyrocketed. It's not so much about greed and deception as it is about the art of multiplying revenue via passion and creativity. I've discovered that I have a natural talent for it.

Even as a high school freshman, I had business initiatives at home and school. I began taking online business courses from

when I discovered I wanted to be a business manager at an international IT company in India. Project management and business analysis were two of my favourite classes. However, I recognize that to be truly effective in business; I must obtain a formal degree. As a result, I was determined to attend a university that emphasized both theory and application. Because employers in India prefer it, I picked an international Bachelor of Business. This program will give me the core skills and knowledge required to effectively manage an organization, provide leadership and direction to a team of people, manage budgets and finances, supervise marketing operations, and help establish the strategic direction of my firm.

I am looking forwards to the internship component of the program because I am aware of my learning style — the more I apply it in a real-world environment, the more I learn. I plan to use my business education to create and expand programs in the IT industry that display a complete understanding of how business is conducted around the world. I wish to get a good education and expand my horizons in my chosen industry.

Accommodation and Living Arrangements:

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If my visa is approved, I intend to live near the CSU campus, and I intend to choose STUDENT RESIDENCES/SHARED ROOMS that are within walking distance of my campus so that I can join a supportive and welcoming, harmonious community dedicated to assisting new international students in their educational pursuit. I have created an oriented budget for future expenses, so based on my analysis of the Australian market, I am willing to spend up to AUD 250 per week on accommodation, AUD 40 on transportation, AUD 150 on food (given that I enjoy cooking and will be preparing my meals), and AUD 150 on going out with the new people and friends I make there. Additionally, an initial expenditure of up to AUD 800 will be provided for bedding and other utility-based items.

Financial Background:

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My parents will sponsor my education expenses and other expenses while studying in Australia. My father, Mr. Reddy Ramamurthy, earns an annual income of INR 4,796,800. My mother, Mrs. Eswaramma Lakshman, receives an annual income of INR 3,483,130. Our family owns property valued at three crores. These properties include (Please add your family properties).

Future & Career Prospects:

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I plan to return to my native country, where the fast-developing economy requires experienced professionals to advance business industries. I have talked to international companies such as Capgemini, Wipro, Tech Mahindra, Cognizant, Hexaware, Tata Group, Adani, Skoda, Infosys, Dell, IBM, Godrej, L&T, Reliance, Oracle, and Siemens. These are the top international companies in the country, and many people in India dream of being part of these companies' teams. The HR managers have assured me that having a Bachelor of Business from Australia makes me a desirable hire as a business manager with a competitive salary compared to those who do not have an international education. When I come back to India, my expected salary with bonus and profit sharing will be 3,000,000 rupees. In those companies, I will start as Operations Manager, Production Manager, Business Analyst, or Project Manager. After that, I can become a Senior Manager, Business Manager, Project Manager, senior management consultant. Later, when I have much experience in that field, I would love to put up my own IT service company, providing software and hardware applications and troubleshooting issues and preventing them, with a sister company that offers social media management and email marketing. It will all start with my international business education from Australia. That is the ticket to my dream.

Return of Investment:

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As a business-savvy person, I always want to get back my money's worth, so I have done the math. My tuition fees at Charles Sturt University are AUD 29,224 (INR 1,428,205) per annum. For three years, that will be AUD 87,672, which is INR 4,284,615. Plus, AUD 600 monthly for three years for living expenses will total AUD 21,600, equivalent to INR1,058,452.56. Let's estimate the total at INR 5,400,000 as I will have other extra costs. I can earn back this amount of money spent in Australia when I go back to India and have worked for about four years. So I will be earning up to INR 3,000,000 when I go back home.

Most business will have their ROI in five years. If I can get my investment return in less than five years, that investment is worth it. Plus, this education I keep for the rest of my life. Through this course, I will learn thoroughly about vast areas of business management, including administration and business strategy. I will have a thorough understanding of fundamental business principles and concepts to put them into practice to develop insights into complex, contemporary business issues and address emerging global business trends and challenges. I can also gain from outstanding student services, including personal mentorships, 12-week internships, numerous case studies and employability workshops, which will enhance my knowledge in terms of industrial exposure & career growth. There is not much practical exposure in India, and many universities don't update their curriculum based on current and emerging business management trends. The international exposure gained at CSU would be my asset, and it would enhance my salary. With a robust salary package and rising career growth guaranteed in my home country, the amount which I will have invested in studying in Australia is worth it.

Reasons for Returning to Home Country:

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I will come back to my home country after finishing my studies. My return to India is inevitable. My family, girlfriend, relatives, and friends are all in India. My family will be waiting for me. Family is the most important in our culture. We want to be close to each other because we need each other to live happily. My parents will require me to take care of things when they have reached a certain age. There is also the issue the starting my own family. My girlfriend and I have been talking about getting married, and the plan is to do that as soon as I get back to India. It is going to be difficult having to separate from my girlfriend for my studies in Australia. I know we will miss each other terribly. So, I have promised her I would go home every holiday and semester break to see her. I also look forward to being reunited with my BMW car. I will also miss that car very much when I am in Australia as my car, and I have spent great adventures together. It has taken my girlfriend and me on fun road trips and dates in the city. My car is worth 50 lakhs.

Moreover, in India, my family has property assets, which are worth INR 3 crores. These assets will be passed on to me. Some are already under my name. India is where I have the most help and opportunities. The opportunities back home for internationally educated professionals are limitless. Today, India is considered the world's sixth-largest economy by nominal GDP and the third largest by purchasing power parity. According to several studies, India's growth rate should stabilize at 8% during the following decades, ranking the country as the world's fastest-growing economy. An internationally educated individual will be strategically positioned as I can quickly adapt to the multinational perspectives and increase the company's productivity on a global scale. There is no way I would not miss the exciting opportunities happening in my backyard. There is no other place I would want to practice what I have learned abroad except in my own country. This is my home, and I am proud of my house.

Visa Subclass 500 obligations:

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  • I need to maintain 80% attendance 
  • I am allowed to work 40 hours per fortnight. 
  • I need to maintain 50% pass grades throughout the entire program. 
  • I cannot change the University for six months upon enrolment 
  • I must have valid Health Insurance during my stay in Australia
  • I must notify to University / DHA if I change address/contact details within seven days 


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Considering my background, qualifications, and grandest desire to study in Australia, I now kindly request to view my student visa application to study the Bachelor of Business to make my dreams come true. 

Yours sincerely, 

Deepak Ramamurthy


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