An affidavit is a written statement made under oath to be accurate by the affiant. An affidavit, along with witness statements, is used in immigration cases to prove the veracity and certainty of factual circumstances in support of an immigration petition or filing. The following page contains a few samples containing various situation. Please note that this is not an immigration advise. The purpose to show the samples is only to explain the format, the structure of the document.

Affidavit from Parents for their Son’s Student Visa Application

I am, ______,(DOB:_____) the mother, and I am,______,(DOB:_____), the father of _______(DOB: _______). We belong to Mumbai, India, residing at _________ and we confirm that the following statements are true and accurate:

  • ________ is our son
  • He is currently enrolled in ___________(course and institution).
  • We have financially helped ______ to pursue his higher studies by facilitating him with the following amount:
  • *Mother - Rs. _______ which is equivalent to _______NZD from ______(Bank name). The Account no. from which the amount has been transferred is _______.
    Date of Transfer - _________
  • *Father - Rs. _______ which is equivalent to _______NZD from ______(Bank name). The Account no. from which the amount has been transferred is _______.
    Date of Transfer - _________
  • These amounts have been paid for his tuition fees.
  • To support his living expenses and other costs, we have also transferred Rs. _______ that is equivalent to _______ NZD to our son _______ bank account from ______ (bank name) and the Account no. is _____.
  • I, _______, also confirm that after transferring the amount, I have enough savings for my sustenance and expenses. I am attaching my bank statement herewith that shows the current balance is Rs. _________.
  • We want to confirm that we have not taken any loans from anywhere to pay for the tuition fees and living expenses.
  • We can also further assist _______ financially if needed.

Should you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at _______ (phone number and email address).

Enclosed are the following documents:

  • Bank statement showing sufficient funds.
  • Financial undertaking form.
  • My proof of ID.
  • My proof of income evidence.




Affidavit Sample from Parent’s for their daughter’s student Visa Application

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I, Mr. ________,(DOB____) the father of ________, (DOB____)residing at __________, Pakistan, hereby declare that the following statements are absolutely true and accurate:

  • ________ is my daughter.
  • Currently, she is pursuing her Bachelor Degree in ________(Course and institution)
  • I will be paying all of her tuition fees that are ________. The amount has already been transferred to her account.

*Bank Name______
*Bank Account No __________
*Date of Transfer______

  • I will also fully take care of her living expenses and other necessary costs. For that, I have transferred _______NZD to her bank account.

*Bank Name______
*Bank Account No __________
*Date of Transfer______

  • These are my own funds and I have not borrowed them from anywhere.
  • The funds transferred are not a loan to my daughter and she does not have to pay them back to me.
  • After transferring, I have enough money in my account for living and other costs.
  • If she needs any further financial assistance, I am able to assist her.

Should you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at _______ (phone number and email address).

The following documents are enclosed herewith:

  • Bank statement showing sufficient funds.
  • Financial undertaking form.
  • My proof of ID.
  • My proof of income evidence.




Same Name Affidavit Sample 1

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I,_______(DOB), the mother of ______(DOB), residing at _____ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:

  • I am a citizen of India.
  • My actual full name is ______, which is shown on my son Rohit’s passport.
  • That my name displayed on my son’s birth certificate is ______. There was some miscommunication while issuing the certificate so the authority used my nickname _____ as my actual name.
  • Both the names pertaining to the one and the same person i.e. _______
  • It is my true and correct statement.

Should you require any answers, don’t hesitate to contact me on _____.




Verified at ______ on this ______ day of ______, 2021 that the contents of the above-said affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein.

Same Name Affidavit Sample 2

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I, ______(DOB), the father of ______(DOB), aged _____ residing at ______, hereby declare that the statements below are true and accurate:

  • I am a citizen of _______.
  • My full name is ______  as shown on my daughter Natasha’s passport.
  • My name displayed on my daughter’s birth certificate is _____, which is actually my nickname. The issuing authority mistakenly put my nickname on the certificate assuming it is my full name.
  • I state that ______ and ______ are the names of one and the same person and that is myself.

Should you require more information, don’t hesitate to contact me on _____.




Verified at ______ on this ______ day of ______, 2021 that the contents of the above-said affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein.


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