Canada is Experiencing a Severe Shortage of Skilled Workers: What You Need to Know.

Blog Written By: Navornadmin on 01/12/2021; 4 mins read

Economic immigrants, such as skilled workers or entrepreneurs, make up six out of ten newcomers to Canada. Canada intends to recruit more and more economic immigrants since they are more likely to contribute constructively to the Canadian economy after settling in, with an ambitious target of more than 1.2 million immigrants by 2023.

But who is a skilled worker, exactly? The term "skilled worker" is sometimes misunderstood to apply to managers, executives, professionals, and other white-collar employees. There's no denying that the workers in these sectors are highly skilled.

However, skilled trades workers are also included in the definition of skilled workers. If you work in the skilled trades, you should be aware that you are an essential part of Canada's economic immigration strategy.

Canada Needs Skilled Trades Workers Urgently!

By 2025, Canada may face a shortfall of more than 60,000 skilled trades workers, according to conservative projections. As a result, the actual shortage of skilled tradespeople might be substantially worse.

According to an analysis of 56 high-demand trade industries throughout the nation, there is a deficit of about 10,000 trained skilled workers in Canada. When all 250 regulated trades in Canada are included, the skilled trades worker deficit might be as high as 100,000.

Furthermore, about 700,000 trade employees are expected to retire by 2028, and there are just not enough native Canadians to fill the void.

Why is it that Canada lacks skilled tradespeople?

Being a skilled worker is thought to be more respectable and remunerative than being a tradesperson.

But the fact is that working as a tradesperson isn't all awful. In 2018, pipefitters and heavy-duty equipment technicians with four years of experience earned more than $100,000 on average. In Canada, a professional and licensed electrician may easily make $80,000 to $90,000 per year.

Another critical factor is the requirement for tradespeople to be upskilled and trained. Workers will need to be taught and upskilled to adapt and provide excellent services as trades industries evolve fast.

What immigration options do the skilled trades workers have?

For skilled workers, there are many Federal and PNP immigration programs. However, trades employees are only eligible for one government program: the Federal Skilled Trades Worker program. The FSTP aims to provide 3000 visas each year.

Although the epidemic has hampered immigration, a substantial increase in skilled trades workers entering the country is unlikely.

You may also look for Express Entry connected PNP streams that cover the FSTP in addition to the FSTP. Canadian provinces have the same ability to designate skilled people for the Express Entry pool as they have for trades workers.